LED Fog Lamps

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68650Fog Lamp Harness - Deluxe

68650Fog Lamp Harness - Deluxe

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Technical specifications
  • Voltage: 9-16 VDC
  • Connection Type: Deutsch
  • Design Current Load: Max Load 10A
  • Wire Length: 6.5' - 9.5'
  • Fits: 64H51-5
  • Warranty: 1 Year
Features & benefits
  • 68650 Deluxe Harness is designed for a Quick Fit installation of your SAE-compliant auxiliary fog lights. This harness is designed around the consumer to simplify the installation process. Drivers can control their auxiliary fog lights using the factory headlight switches
  • The deluxe harness will require an adapter to fit your vehicle. (Different adaptors are not included: H1, 9005, H11, H4, H13 and 9007)
  • DOT, SAE J583 & FMCSA 393.25(b) approved LED Fog Lamps can be used on commercial vehicles or private vehicles
  • Two mounting options- pedestal or flush mount for any application
  • Three wiring options, hard wire (pigtail included), basic harness system (sold separately) or deluxe harness system to use vehicle electronics (sold separately)

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