SAE Standards & Certifications - What You Need to Know and Why.

There are 2 Primary SAE Certifications to be aware of: SAE J845 – Omnidirectional Optical Warning Device, a flashing optical warning device that projects light in a horizontal 360-degree arc and vertically from 5 degrees up to 5 degrees down, and SAE J595 – Directional Flashing Optical Warning Device.
SAE J845 – Omnidirectional Optical Warning Device
A flashing optical warning device that projects light in a horizontal 360 degree arc and vertically from 5 degrees up to 5 degrees down. It will appear to project flashes of light to an observer positioned at a fixed location. The flashes of light may be a repetitive signal or a non-repetitive signal. If a non-repetitive signal is used it shall be a block of repetitive signals that have been characterized. This would include all 360° beacons.
SAE J595 – Directional Flashing Optical Warning Device
A flashing optical warning device, in which the light source produces flashes of light, which is directionally aimed and will project a signal over a minimum area from 20° right to 20° left in a horizontal plane and from 10° up to 10° down in a vertical plane. The flashes of light may be a repetitive signal or a non-repetitive signal. If a non-repetitive signal is used it shall be a block of repetitive signals that have been characterized.
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